Cookouts, camping, shooting, and lets not forget golf made for a busy weekend.
Preston taught me how to shoot a 12 gauge shotgot and after chickening out the first time and then much persistence from Preston to just try it. I shot this huge gun and guess what I took one shot and one shot only. But to make things even better, I shot the clay pigeon on my one and only shot.
Its only funny because between Preston and I it is semi normal for me to do/get things on the first try. When we were dating he took me fishing, I did one cast that day and my one cast caught a fish. 4 years ago we were visiting his grandparents and were shooting a 22 at a soda can. I took 3 shots and they all hit the can. So I am glad I could continue my tradition but to be honest the gun was so big it scared me to even pull the trigger.
We played games, made ice cream and just had a great weekend.
We were super excited to see our nieces, Alexis has changed so much in 6 months, we couldnt believe it. And miss Olivia lost her two front teeth and looks like she is ready for 3rd grade instead of 1st. Time sure does fly when you are away.
After our Otte reunion we headed to Logan for a couple of days where Preston did some fishing and I did some visiting.
Who knows maybe we will be back up towards Utah sooner then we think.