Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lake Patagonia

Over my spring break Preston and I decided to do something a little different on his day off. We headed about an hour south to Lake Patagonia. We didn't know very much about the lake but with optimism and the two boys, we took our chances. It turned out to be a great, especially for the dogs. We had our own little section where we could let them run free in and out of the water. Charlie and Wilson absolutely loved it. We were even able to get them to swim. Charlie was great at it and able to keep his head clear out of the water. Wilson on the other hand had to work a little harder but it didn't seem to phase him because he kept going back for more. The boys played so hard all day that when we got into the car to leave they were both asleep before we left the parking lot. It was a great day and nice to see some water.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What great looking pictures Jess! I have been trying to convince Jake that we need another dog but he doesn't agree... So Chaco is spoiled rotten. Oh well. She is a good dog! Good to see that you and preston are having so much fun! How is school? Are you taking summer classes?
