Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Big 24

It happened, another year older and I must say that I am fine with it. It was a great birthday, started out a bit slow but finished with a bang. My parents came into town late Friday and we had a little Christmas catch up. On Saturday Preston, my parents, and I went to see Valkyrie and went to dinner at the Olive Garden. We loved the movie, despite the ending, and I recommend it to all who are into history and WWII. Now to the bang part of my birthday.

A couple of weeks ago Preston and I were looking on the computer and came across a good friends blog. While looking through her posts we saw that she was selling her camera. Not just any camera but a digital SLR, a Nikon D70. In my self pity mode I said, "Why can't she sell it next year when I'm working." Well long story short Preston did a little secret shopping and bought the camera. He surprised me with it for my birthday and I was/am super super excited. Now before anyone thinks that I know how to use a nice camera and expect these amazing photos let me set things straight. I don't know how to use it (yet) and amazing photos I am sure will takes years to come by. So I welcome all tips and suggestions because I need all the help I can get.

Here is what the camera looks like and yes my first photo on the camera, Wilson. Like I said, I have a lot to learn.


Whitney Barney said...

It looks like you had a great birthday. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you. You look great!! Oh and Wilson is growing so fast. He is a big dog now, no longer a little puppy. Thanks for the update, you know I love them.

Jake said...

Happy B-Day, January is the best Month... 24 was a good year, congrats and that is one good looking dog. Tell Preston we said HI.

Proud mom of 7......... said...

Sounds like a nice birthday and the pic of Wilson is'll have fun with that camera!

Hope you don't mind that I peek...I'm Lisa, Scott Alder's sister...I live in Queen Creek (little over an hour away from you).


Aunt Janet said...

HI, I am glad to hear you had a great day. Love the pic of dog and camara. Even better is that Preston went out on a branch to be a great husband with a surprise. Guys that do that are the best don't you think. Have fun this semester and remember that Utah loves ya still.

Kylee said...

Hi Jess! Glad you had a great will LOVE your camera. We got our SLR camera almost two years ago and it is the best purchase we've ever made. I know a little here and there, but I'm still learning too. I think there's a guy in the ward who knows a lot and teaches a class. We'll have to take it together. Hope we can get together with you guys soon! Good luck with going back to school this week! :)

Amanda said...

CONGRATS! That is so cool! I would LOVE a camera like that! Jake is turning 30 here in a bit! (I think the same day as Preston actually!) Happy Birthday P!