Saturday, May 2, 2009

San Xavier Mission

For my mum's birthday we decided to do all things Tucson. We started with a new hair cut, a trip to Eegee's for their famous frozen fruit drinks and a visit to the San Xavier Mission. Every day on our drive home we pass the Mission and always wonder what it is like. As you drive by you can see this beautiful white structure that has such a unique contrast against the desert back drop. The Mission has a great history dating back to 1783 and has a nice museum that shows the church from its beginning. My mum and I had a nice time and were quite impressed with the consistent renovations done through out the years so that others will always be able to enjoy it.


Bonnie and Joel said...

Jess I want to know how the interview went!! I hope you get the job.

Sarah said...

Great pictures Jess! That Mission looks very cool.